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- Moo ... ( hi :) )
- Finally, the 15yr old vi is revised :) :) :)
- This is binary ditribtuion for nvi 1.03.
- nvi is a new vi from 4.4 BSD. The original source code can be found
- in ftp.cs.berkeley.edu. I just include the binary and doc directory.
- The source code is too big to upload.
- You need to patch using the patch file found in PORT/linux/OTHERPATCH.
- Otherwise, it will complain "text busy".
- Also, link nex to nvi (ln nvi nex) for ex, if you ever use ex line editor :).
- You need /var/tmp directory for file recovery.
- Either create the directory or sym-link it to /tmp.
- The following is a part of README file under docs directory.
- Please read other files in docs directory.
- ____ ____ ____ ______________________________________ (__) _________________
- | | | | | | W. Woody Jin (wjin@cs.uh.edu) (oo) Moo...
- | | | |__| | Bovinetic Algorithm Design o=======\/ I'm a Cow Lover.
- | | | | Dept. of Cowmooputer Science / | || My wife was born
- \ |---| |--| | University of Houston * ||w---|| in Cow year. Mooo
- \____/|__| |__| ________________________________^^ ^^_____________________
- % nohup cat *flames* >& /dev/bull &
- =========================================================================
- /*-
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- This software is beta software, although it's pretty stable. Almost
- of the necessary functionality for ex/vi is in it, the only missing
- pieces are fairly obscure.
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- o New features:
- There aren't a lot of new features in nex/nvi, but there are a few things
- you might like:
- o 8-bit clean data, practically infinite lines/files.
- ^Vx[0-9A-Fa-f]* in input mode will insert any
- legal character value.
- o Split screens:
- :sp[lit] [file ...] splits the screen.
- ^W switches between screens.
- :resize count grows/shrinks the current screen.
- o Background/foreground screens
- :bg backgrounds the current screen.
- :di[splay] s[creens] lists the hidden screens.
- :fg [file] foregrounds the specified (or next) screen.
- o Shell screens:
- :sc[ript] [file ...] runs a shell in the screen.
- Carriage return sends a line to the shell.
- o Buffer, screens, tags display:
- :di[splay] b[uffers] displays the current cut buffers.
- :di[splay] s[creens] displays the hidden screen names.
- :di[splay] t[ags] displays the current tags stack.
- o Tag stacks:
- ^T returns to previous tag location.
- :tagpop [number | file] returns to previous tag location,
- or, optionally tag #N, or the tag in a specific file.
- :tagtop returns to first tag location.
- o Infinite undo:
- A '.' command immediately after a 'u' command continues
- either forward or backward depending on whether the 'u'
- command was an undo or a redo.
- o Usage information:
- :exu[sage] [cmd] for ex commands.
- :viu[sage] [key] for vi commands.
- :help
- o Extended RE expressions:
- :set extended turns on extended RE's, so you can
- do "/in|or" and search for the next occurrence of
- more than one expression.
- o Word search:
- ^A searches for the word referenced by the cursor.
- o Number increment:
- # increments the number referenced by the cursor.
- o Previous file:
- :prev[ious][!] edits the previous file from the
- argument list.